Persian food, Persian Recipes, Aashpazi
dates benefits, khorma


Date: the Sweet Medicine  This sweet and brown colored fruit has enough benefits to make its way into your diet. Here are some of those benefits Date has vitamin A, B, B2, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, fiber. Anti-cancer - Date is rich in Magnesium and it is composed of a larger number of potent anti-oxidants and anti-cancer properties .It strengthens muscular energy and boosts general power of the body. Phosphorous and magnesium improve memory. It is also useful for hearing, vision, backache, joints pain, sciatica and lung treatment. Useful for anemia and chronic fatigue - The amount of Iron required for body can be fulfilled by taking a few dates during the day, Iron synthesizes and produces red blood cells therefore taking dates treats anemia and chronic fatigue.  roulette ranginak Laxative -Like other fruits, date has relatively high amounts of fiber which can be used as a laxative. And about its vitamins, they are almost similar to that of other fruits with no particular difference from others .Actually, the main privilege of date is its energizing feature; i.e. by taking a few dates, one can gain much energy. Nervous system health - Because of having vitamin B2, date is effective for protecting nervous system health .It can reduce the risk of nyctalopia and neural tension. Cough-suppressant - Besides having cough-suppressant and anti-inflammatory properties for bronchial tubes, date is expectorant as well. Alimentary canal - Date improves alimentary canal since it neutralizes the extra acid in stomach. So it is worth adding this small sweet fruit in our daily diet and enjoying its benefits.

Researched and Written By Siu Z.

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