Persian food, Persian Recipes, Aashpazi
 Soy Protein Recipe


3.5 oz (100g) Textured Soy Protein 1/2 Bunch Parsley (1 oz / 30g) 3 Potatoes 1 Onion 2 Tbsp Vegetable Oil 2 Garlic Cloves Mozzarella Cheese 1/2 Cup Marinara Sauce marinara sauce Curry Seasoning Stew Seasoning, ADvieh Khoresht Salt, Ground Chili Pepper PREPARATIONS: 1- Soak the textured soy protein in water for half an hour. 2- Dice the onion. 3- Mince the parsley. 4- Grate the potatoes. DIRECTIONS: FILLING: 1- Fry diced onions in vegetable oil until golden. 2- Stir in curry seasoning and ground chili pepper. 3- Mash garlic cloves and stir. 4- Drain the textured soy and add to the fried onions. 5- Stir in salt and minced parsley. 6- Add marinara sauce, stir and continue heating for 10 more minutes over medium heat. CUPS: 7- Grease a muffin pan, cover the surface with the grated potatoes to create a cup shape. 8- Preheat oven to 350º F (177º C), bake the potatoes for 15 minutes. 9- Remove the potatoes from oven, cover with aluminum foil and place it back in oven and bake for another 15 minutes. 10- Fill the potato cup with the filling while in the muffin pan. 11- Top the cups with mozzarella cheese. 12- Place it back in the oven and cook for 15 minutes over 350º F (177º C) heat.



Soy Protein is another choice to cut on cholesterol for those who suffer from cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer in United States. Although we don't recommend replacing your daily beef burger with soy protein, but it's a good practice to try replacing it once in while, specially with beefy snacks sandwiches. Soy Protein have shown to effectively reduce the bad cholesterol significantly. This recipe contains high amounts of vitamin B6 and vitamin C. It is also high in dietary fiber. Thanks to soy protein, It is very low in cholesterol. One serving (3.5 oz / 100g) of soy protein has 144 calories (42 calories from fat), 4.7g total fat (1.1g saturated fat), 3mg cholesterol, 134mg sodium, 312mg potassium, 15.5g total carbohydrates (4.0g dietary fiber), and 7.3g protein.

nutritional facts

Serving Size 100g
Amount Per Serving
Calories 144  Calories from fat 42
Daily Value*
Total Fat 4.7g7%
Saturated Fat 1.1g  5%
Cholesterol 3mg1%
Sodium 134mg6%
Potassium 312mg9%
Total Carbohydrates 15.5g5%
Dietary Fiber 4.0g  16% Sugars 3.1g
Protein 7.3g

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