Persian food, Persian Recipes, Aashpazi


Studies showed that Tryptophan has a direct impact on our sleep. For example Turkey contains high amounts of tryptophan and maybe that's why we always feel little sleepy after having our thanksgiving day dinner. Here's a list of best sleeping aids that contain higher amounts of tryptophan and may help us fall asleep easier and faster. To get the best result, try combining few of the ingredients and make a more effective potion, and don't be so shocked when you realize that most of them have been recommended to you by your grandmas when having trouble sleeping. Bananas  banana benefits Former oldest man in the world claimed that the secret to 115 years of his long life was to eat one banana a day. He never mentioned whether he spent half of those 115 years in sleeping or not. By the way, there's no scientific proof to what he had said, so don't go bananas just yet! RUSSET POTATOES  russet potatoes benefits As long as you don't make french fries out of them, russet potatoes contain more than 0.05 percent tryptophan. RICE  Rice benefits Don't you love rice with a well made stew such as ghormehsabzi? Although having too much of any food may give you the food coma, having too much rice doubles that effect. UNSWEETENED CHOCOLATE  Baking chocolate benefits Baking chocolate (unsweetened) may be very helpful to our sleep. Meanwhile chocolate bar has just the opposite effect, Chocolate bar contains high amounts of sugar that can cause sleeplessness. EGGS  Eggs benefits Eggs are high in protein and may make you feel sleepy. But don't try eggs before bedtime since it contains other elements that needs time to digest. RAW CHICKPEAS  chickpeas benefits Chickpeas are very high in tryptophan. OATS Oats benefits Oats are very beneficial to our general health. They are full of antioxidants and may also reduce the risk of asthma in children. Oats contain almost as much tryptophan as turkey. Unsweetened oat cookies may be very helpful to our sleep. SUNFLOWER SEEDS  sunflower seeds benefits Sunflower seed are very helpful when it comes to sleeping aid. Try sunflower seed late night and you may feel its immediate effect. SESAME SEEDS  sesame seeds benefits Sesame seeds are very high in tryptophan. It's not that pleasant to eat raw sesame seeds, but there are dozens of recipes that calls for them. Even though sesame seeds may be more helpful than our next contestant when it comes to putting us to sleep, it's harder to consume enough of it to get the right dose, and that alone gives the next contestant an advantage to be on top. MILK  Milk benefits Milk is a known agent to many remedies. That is of course if you are not lactose intolerant. Drinking a cup of milk before bedtime may help you sleep better.

Researched and Written By Siu Z.

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