1 Cup All-Purpose Flour 1 Cup Sour Cream 2 Large Eggs 3/4 Cup Sugar 1 Tsp Baking Powder 1 Tsp Instant Yeast 1/2 Cup Vegetable Oil 1/8 Tsp Salt 1 Tsp Vanilla Extract Preparations: None. Directions: 1- Beat the eggs until stiff. 2- Whisk in sugar and vanilla extract. 3- Whisk in sour cream, 4- In a large bowl, combine flour, baking powder, instant yeast, and a pinch of salt, stirring. 5- Stir in the flour mixture to the eggs bowl gradually. 6- Stir in vegetable oil and whisk for less than a minute (until the ingredients are combine). 7- Allow the batter to sit for 20 minutes. 8- Transfer the batter to muffin paper/muffin pan. 9- Preheat oven to 400º F (204º C), bake muffins for 20 minutes.
One serving of Mantecadas Muffin has 363 calories (224 calories from fat), 24.9g total fat, 8.1g saturated fat, 70mg cholesterol, 83mg sodium, 176mg potassium, 31.0g total carbohydrates (0.6g dietary fiber, 15g sugars, and 5.1g protein. Mantecadas muffin is not a value source of vitamins or minerals. One serving contains 8 percent calcium, 7 percent iron, 6 percent vitamin A and less than 2 percent vitamin C.
nutritional facts
Serving Size 100gAmount Per Serving