1/2 Bunch Leek Chives, Cilantro, Dill, Parsley 3-4 Leaves Lettuce 4 Eggs Salt, Turmeric, Persian Spice (Advieh), Ground Chili Pepper Oil PREPARATIONS: 1- Mince the herbs. 2- Chop the lettuce. DIRECTIONS: 1- Combine the minced herbs and lettuce in a big bowl. 2- Add turmeric, Persian spice mix, ground chili pepper, salt and mix well. 3- beat the eggs and add to the bowl, mix thoroughly until well combined. 4- Bring vegetable oil to boil and pour in the mixture to fry.
Kookoo sabzi (Kookoo: frittata, sabzi: vegetable). As the name says it all, kookoo sabzi is full of vegetables. All of the vegetables used in kookoo sabzi contain high amounts of vitamins and anti-oxidants. Kookoo Sabzi is very high in vitamin C and vitamin A. it contains high level of calcium, iron and selenium as well as minerals. Kookoo sabzi is low in sugar. 4 ounces (115 grams) of Kookoo sabzi has 200 calories.
nutritional facts
Serving Size 115gAmount Per Serving