Persian food, Persian Recipes, Aashpazi


There are dozens of medicines and supplements that claim to give us healthier skin. But do they really work? They are all deferent in terms of the usage. Some of them should be consumed orally or to be applied directly to the skin but one thing they all have in common is the source. We put together a list of ten most natural skin care sources that may look familiar from the skin care supplement labels. RED AND GREEN PEPPERS:  Pepper benefits Peppers are known for the variety of the antioxidants. They contain vast range of antioxidants that can be beneficial to internal as well as external organs. They may prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease. They are very effective in treating oxygen related eye diseases. Red Peppers contain very high amounts of vitamin C. The antioxidants in pepper can slow down the aging of the skin. POMEGRANATE:  Pomegranate benefits Pomegranate is a super fruit. It contains high amounts of antioxidants. Pomegranate has anti aging properties. Pomegranate can lower the bad cholesterol level. It's very helpful in maintaining an healthy heart and it's also proven to be effective in treating blood vessel blockage. OATS:  Oats benefits Oats are very beneficial to our general health. They are full of antioxidants and may also reduce the risk of asthma in children. Oats can boost your immune system. Oats contain anti aging components. OLIVES:  Olives benefits Olive has always been know a cancer preventer. Olive can also be used in treating inflammatory problems. Olive is a potent natural anti allergy medicine. Olive can reduce skin wrinkles. Olives contain high amounts of vitamin E which is known to be the key antioxidant for skin health. WALNUTS:  Walnuts benefits Walnuts have anti cancer and anti inflammatory components. They can be very helpful in treatment of type two diabetes. Walnuts are very beneficial to cardiovascular health. ALMONDS:  Almonds benefits Just like olives, almond contains very high amounts of vitamin E. It can reduce the skin wrinkles. It has anti aging components. Almonds are very helpful in treating and preventing heart diseases. It can lower LDL-cholesterol. Almonds can be effective in weight loss. It contains good amounts of minerals such as manganese and copper. STRAWBERRIES: Strawberries benefits Strawberries are high in antioxidants. They can be very helpful to eye health and are very effective in maintaining a healthy skin. Strawberries can reduce the bad cholesterol and can contribute to heart health. AVOCADO:  Avocado benefits Avocados contain high amounts of vitamin K. They can be very helpful in maintaining a healthy heart and cardiovascular health. Avocado can regulate the blood sugar. Avocado has anti cancer agents and anti aging components. Avocados are very beneficial to a healthy skin and preventing skin aging. TOMATOES:  Tomatoes benefits Tomatoes are great source of vitamin C. They can reduce the risk of heart disease and can help maintaining a cardiovascular system. Tomatoes may reduce the risk of cancer and inflammatory diseases. Tomatoes can be very beneficial to skin health. They have anti aging components. GREEN TEA:  Green Tea benefits Green tea is well known for its antioxidants. Green tea can be very effective in weight loss, lowering cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease and etc… Green tea may prevent and reduce the risk of cancer. One of the most powerful antioxidants of green tea is responsible for reducing the skin wrinkles and signs of aging. It is highly anti-inflammatory. Green tea may work as a natural sun screen, it has the ability to reduce sun damage.

Researched and Written By Siu Z.

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