Persian food, Persian Recipes, Aashpazi
Mushroom soup, soupe gharch recipe


"Soup e Gharch"

8 oz (227g) Mushrooms 1/2 Cup Heavy Whipping Cream 1/4 Bunch Fresh Parsley 1 Onion 1 Lime 1 Tbsp Dijon Mustard 2 Tbsp Vegetable Oil Salt, White Pepper Powder, Paprika PREPARATIONS: 1- Slice the onion. 2- Mince the fresh parsley. 3- Slice the mushrooms. DIRECTIONS: 1- Fry onions with 2 tbsp vegetable oil until translucent in a pot. 2- Add sliced mushrooms. 3- Squeeze a fresh lime into the pot. 4- Stir and continue heating for about 10 minutes over medium. 5- Add salt, white pepper powder and paprika, stir well. 6- Add dijon mustard and heavy whipping cream to the mixture. 7- Add minced parsley as preferred, stir and continue heating for few more minutes.



Mushroom Sauce have been around for hundreds of years. A freshly made mushroom sauce is more than a tasty sauce. It contains high amounts of vitamin B6 and vitamin C. Mushrooms are great source of vitamins and proteins and antioxidants. They can boost the immune system. Mushrooms have anti cancer agents. 3.5 oz (100 g) of mushroom sauce has 112 calories and 89 calories from fat. It contains 2.1 grams of protein.

nutritional facts

Serving Size 100g
Amount Per Serving
Calories 112  Calories from fat 89
Daily Value*
Total Fat 9.9g15%
Saturated Fat 3.8g  19%
Cholesterol 16mg5%
Sodium 85mg5%
Total Carbohydrates 5.3g2%
Dietary Fiber 1.4g  4% Sugars 1.9g
Protein 2.1g

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